After a chance encounter at Spanjer en van Twist, TJ from Haccou Design finalized the Becoming Bilderberg artwork and it is now at the printer. Dates for the event are listed below, but there may be slight changes to come. Please stay tuned...
Artwork Details:
Background (L to R): Athens, Greece meeting 2009 (location not yet known), Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles, France meeting location 2003, Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey meeting location 2007 (same year as Dutch news broadcast about Bilderberg), and Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Netherlands meeting location 1954 (founding Bilderberg meeting hosted by Prince Bernhard).
Foreground (L to R): Henry Kissenger, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Jan Peter Balkenende, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, David Rockefellar, and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.